Paizlee Davenport

Paizlee loves all things bright and fun! She takes gymnastics, plays softball and basketball, and loves to have fun. Paizlee is full of energy and will light up any room with her bubbly personality.
Paizlee was a year and a half old when she was diagnosed with SIOD. She was only tested because her brother was diagnosed. They wanted to make sure she wasn’t a carrier of the mutated gene since her path was so different than her brothers. I remember that phone call from Paizlee’s results. I was expecting to hear she was a carrier, she wasn’t a carrier after all, but never expected she would have the disease as well. Her diagnosis was so much harder than Kruz’s. It came out of nowhere. She wasn’t even showing signs. I remember hanging up the phone, calling my husband and crying uncontrollably. I told him to come home from work. After the phone call, Paizlee was just waking up from her nap and I remember just grabbing her from her crib and hitting my knees praying over her. I prayed they were wrong about her diagnosis. But they were not wrong, Paizlee had just made her and her brother a 1 in 80 million chance and the first siblings in the United States.
Paizlee is following the same path as her brother. At age 4, she was in stage two renal failure. She’s been diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome and T cell deficiency. She’s behind on growth and has the short stature aspect of SIOD. She had a stem cell transplant at Stanford on August 15th, 2019, with her dad being the donor. She had a kidney transplant on June 20th, 2020.
Paizlee is a trailblazer in her path of SIOD. Thankfully she was an early diagnosis so we’ve been watching for signs and symptoms for a while. She’s on blood pressure and thyroid medication like her brother.
The hardest thing for us is holding Paizlee back. She’s such a high energy child and maybe a less severe case we hope.